Sunday, July 28, 2013

Body Mind and Soul Fitness: Vemma Verve

I want you to check this out, my good friend Mike Semprini who is 20 and goes to Farmingdale college is working with this awesome company, they work with healthy chasers as opposed to red bull. (They cure your hangover btw and taste great with vodka) What we're doing is working with a crazy amount of people that are building income without having to work a normal job. We're talking about guys making $5,000 a month, $20,00 a month even $100,000 a month! So I wanted to know if you'd be down to check it out

Its not haha. Think when your hungover your dehydrated and your body is lacking the essential minerals that your need, so this healthy energy drink provides your body what its needs. Dr. Oz has one every day with a cup of almonds so its really healthy. I can tell you all you need to know and show you everything you'll need to know.?

This is the pitch he made.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games.? 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.? I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I? succeed."

- Michael Jordan

Our mission statement: Club Verve is a student lead organization that allows us as students to work together as a team in order to make money, build our resumes, and broaden our social horizons simply by giving others the opportunity we have chosen to embrace.

In Club Verve what we do is offer students a way out. We realize that on one has time to constantly work, study for school, and balance a social life, so this opportunity is a way to combine all three!

In life you constantly find yourself trying to balance those three aspects of life. You are either working too many hours leaving you with no time to study and socialize with your friends, or you are working too little hours and are being left with no money to do anything you need and want to do. You are studying too much leaving you neglecting your social life. Or you are partying too much trying to just have fun and are neglecting your studies. This opportunity offers you to say screw that minimum wage job working as a number for someone who doesn?t give a shit about you and sees you has just a tool to make him more money. Now with this company you can do what we all do best; tell our friends about something and get paid for it! This allows us to go to school to get good grades, meet new people, expand our network, and get paid to spread the word about this crazy opportunity!!!

We put so many bad things into our bodies everyday as young adults whether its Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, Amp, 5 Hour Energy, Starbucks, etc. We now have the chance to say stop drinking all of those things. THEY ARE LITERALLY KILLING YOU THE MORE YOU DRINK THEM OVERTIME! We say drink Verve instead because it?s healthy and tastes great. (Plus it mixes great with vodka and it will literally cure your hangover!) Yes it really does cure your hangover. When we?re hung-over we are dehydrated and our bodies are lacking the necessary nutrients to properly function and this is what Verve provides us with, a great tasting liquid that hydrates us and provides us with dozens of natural vitamins and minerals.

This is a job where you get to be your own boss, work your own time, and have an unlimited, uncapped income! My friend right now is pulling in $1,800 a week right now in residual, passive income and has been doing this for only six months and the first two months he didn?t make a penny because he didn?t know what to do b/c there was no one to teach him. Now we all have him and well as dozens of other people to teach us about everything we need to know about the business and they?re there to help all of us out every step of the way.

People go to college to go to school but while they aren?t learning, they often find themselves wanting to get involved in something. Now we are offering that something! No student wakes up in the morning and says, "I want to be broke, and I want to be unhealthy." We have a solution to both of those problems. But we are looking for the most socially well-connected kids who are willing to work hard to make this happen and get involved in something that is literally revolutionary! This will also build a stronger resume because you are the leader of your team and are creating your own business, and this is also ridiculously good marketing, and job experience that will help everyone with their leadership and communication skills.
I Know since I?ve joined the business I?ve met a ton of new people who I never would have thought would have been interested in this and in return have made close relationships with these people all while making money.

Club Verve is about to do it by giving students a chance hit the reset button on life and join a group of students who all have a vested interest in each other?s success. If others can do it as an individual, we can do it as a student body working together as a team. Vemma is the first company of its kind to focus its marketing on college/high school students. There are over 50 Million kids in college with new kids coming in every year!

So the company we work for is called Vemma. Vemma has devoted it?s product line to healthy lifestyle performance in an attempt to make people healthy as well has the opportunity to make them wealthy at the same time. Vemma is actually an acronym standing for Vitamins, Essential, Minerals, Mangosteen, Aloe vera. Those are all the ingredients in the original Vemma formula. We actually work with the energy drink called Verve, which also contains the original Vemma formula.

Vemma?s marketing strategy is Social media network marketing. Rather than paying tens of millions of dollars a year to marketing agencies, Vemma pays us as ?Brand Partners? to do their marketing for them. Vemma does not have a marketing department or advertising department . They pay us to do all of their advertising for them. We do word-of-mouth advertising every single day and we don?t even realize it. Whether it?s the shoes on our feet, the shirt on our back, the drink you are drinking, or the food you are eating. There are brand names on you and around you at all times. Whether you realize it or not you are providing free advertising for all of those companies and they are NEVER GOING TO PAY YOU A CENT FOR ANY OF IT! So why not take advantage of Verve and get paid for what you?ve been doing your entire life? We now have the opportunity to go out and do what we all do best, tell out friends about something that we like. It's like if I go see a really good movie and I like it, I am going to tell you to go and see it. Now let's say two weeks later I get a check in the mail from the producer saying, "Hey man, thanks for telling your buddy about this movie. Here's twenty dollars." That is essentially exactly what we are doing. But don't think of it like were selling anything. Yes we get paid based off product sales, but in reality, this is just one giant customer referral program. I buy verve every month because I fell in love with the product. I would continue to buy it even if I could not make money. So it's as simple as, BUY VERVE FOR YOURSELF TO DRINK, AND IF YOU LIKE IT, SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND CO-WORKERS SO THEY CAN DO THE SAME! Everyone has an equal opportunity here. The reason we get paid for recruiting people to the club is because we get paid based on the amount of product we can sell, so because in order to join the club you have to simply have to buy product, (Verve) something that most college students would buy anyways cause no one wants a hang over and we all could use some extra energy with our hectic lives, we can pay you for recruiting other members to the club.

I know we are going to make RIDICULOUS amounts of money by starting this amazing club in colleges across the nation and we are giving our friends, family, and fellow students the opportunity to be a part of start this movement and become millionaires with us. Tell me another club offered at MSU or any other college that can offer your 10% of the opportunity this club offers you.? We are like a fraternity or sorority, but rather than having to pay 800 dollars a semester to be a part of it you will MAKE money simply by recruiting. We hold social events, parties, etc. just like a fraternity or sorority. But we offer students a way out, and that's what creates so much excitement. Kids come to college to get involved in something and have a place to hang out and party. We can offer those things!

Vemma?s compensation plan is called a binary compensation plan. I?m going to explain to you what sets Vemma apart from other Multi-Level Marketing compensation plans. In this particular compensation plan, you can only have two teams. This means once you get two people to buy the product, whether they but it because the want to improve their health, never be hung over again, have the opportunity to make ridiculous amounts of money in the form of passive residual income, or join the club that comes with all the perks mentioned above. The only way for you to make money id to help your team make money! So in order for someone in the club to make money we have to help you as a new member make money. This creates a complex interdependence between everyone in the club, In order for someone to make money, we have to help you make money. In theory, this is a literally perfect business model because it makes it so the only was one person to succeed is by helping others succeed creating the team aspect of the company. If we could create a complex interdependence in society they would be a much better off place.

This business is really simple to succeed in because of the ?Power of Duplication?
(text me @ 631 384 3592? so I can show you the model I made) So basically if you just sign up 2 people in your first 30 days you?ll have 2 people underneath you. So in the next 30 days you need to coach your 2 people to get 2 people then you?ll? have 6 underneath you. So at the 12 month mark if everyone just gets 2 people (Which is stupidly easy. You have hundreds of friends and your only job is to convince two of them to join this amazing opportunity) you will have 8190 people underneath you and you will be making $22750 in that 12th month and that?s not including sign up bonuses, rank up bonuses and the doubling of the points which would in return double your money. Everyone they joins underneath your people will be credited for you. I?m only two weeks in and have made $60 off sign in bonuses and have gotten 3 people already will more on the way. If? I keep that up I can more than double my money that I will be getting in relation to my scale. And I got 3 people in high school and high school kids don?t have a lot of money to keep paying to stay in the business so imagine how much easier it will be in college. Just duplicate a penny for 30 days and wee what it comes out to.

I?ve only been involved for a short amount of time so since I don?t have an amazing story to tell here?s my friend from Michigan State University, Luke Hessler?s story ?

"When I first heard about this, I instantly got Verve Fever and was literally obsessed with the compensation plan because it?s SO INCREDIBLY PERFECT. I started doing Verve/Vemma right before finals last semester, which was a big problem because I couldn?t think of anything but Verve/Vemma, and I had to write my final paper for James Madison (Honors college at MSU).? The prompt was to combine 2 or more theoretical perspectives in order to solve a modern world issue. I chose something crazy, I chose world peace.

I said that we would have to create a complex interdependence between everyone in society meaning that in order for one person to succeed, they would have to help someone else succeed. This is impossible within society, however that?s exactly how this particular business model works, so in theory it?s a perfect business model.? My teacher liked it so much that I am now taking an independent study studying the potential of a business with this particular compensation plan.

At first it was very hard to get people interested because there are so many schemes out there that screw people so everyone was hesitant

to do this one.? So I asked myself, I know that this is a legit company and opportunity, but what would be the best way to do that? That?s when I thought about making it an official club, that way I could tell people ?Hey come check out this new social club where you literally get paid for recruiting new members? rather than ?hey come join this company with me?? Which one sounds better to you??? So now we are a club and it?s absolutely blowing up! I?m not going to quit working until this club is in every college in the nation because there is no reason for it not to be."

44% of college graduates are either unemployed or employed in a job that doesn?t require a college degree.? This club gives students a way to get involved in the university, meet new people, make connections, have a good time, and build a RESIDUAL INCOME THAT WE CAN LEAN ON FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES!! This solves the problem of college grads not having a job out of college! You can now still go through college, get a degree, and try and be a lawyer, doctor, or engineer, but just in case you are one of the 44% that doesn?t t get a job right out of college, you now have an residual income that you can lean on simply because you decided to join an awesome club and get involved with the university.

Thanks for you time and please call/text/email/IM me at anytime for any questions. I?m really excited about this because I know its going to be worth it in the end!!!

Thomas Regolino


im a senior in highschool. and plan on majoring in constitutional law to became a representative for my community and help out those in need?

I enjoy getting involved in my community and school in anyway possible and have already helped 18 of my friends see the same vision i see with verve and have given ppl hope and have seen them achieve some success in this business which makes my very proud.

I understand any financial hesitation. I only make around 100 a week and thought I couldn't do this for the same reasons your thing right now for yourself as well as yourself until I learned how you get paid.


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